These are teeny tiny little people who I keep captive in my blog

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Introducing Rita

My marvelous Nanna gifted me her mothers little elna sewing machine. It makes me very happy to know I am connected to my great grandmother through sewing. I hope she is watching over my shoulder proudly.

This little machine is amazing! It fits my needs perfectly - small, easily packed away so little fingers don't get at it but still able to be left out, it's own little tool box AND people, it fits my different feet from the janome!!! I needed a name for the elna that justifies her small but feitsy nature.

It gives me great pleasure to introduce ....

I had a spurt of inspiration while putting a milk bottle in the recycling bin today for some bling for Rita. Within three minutes Rita and I had matching pincushion bands using a bottle top, scrap, ball of wadding, ribbon, a couple of snaps, old tape measure and tarzan grip.

This was so quick, so easy and so giftable!

I only had one bottletop so I thought I'd make it intersnappable.


Kat said...

Thats a cool idea with the pin cushion. It would be very handy.

Anonymous said...

My Mum and Dad have one of those little Elnas they are great little machines! They searched high and low for one to take with them when they travel